Print PDF from within Access

  • Thread starter Thread starter Si
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Yes, but you have to use third-party software. Use something like
"cutepdf.exe" which creates a virtual printer.
Lynn and Rick both assumed you mean "can you print a report to a PDF file".

I'm wondering, though, whether you meant "can I have Access programmatically
tell Adobe Acrobat to print a PDF file". If that is what you meant, then as
long as you know where Acrobat is installed, you can.

The command line method to have Acrobat print a file is:

"full path to AcroRd32.exe" /p /h "full path to PDF file"

If the full path to the PDF file is stored in a variable strFile, you could
do something like:

Dim strShell As String

strShell = Chr$(34) & _
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\ReaderAcroRd32.exe" & _
Chr$(34) & " /p /h " & Chr$(34) & strFile & Chr$(34)
Shell strShell, vbHide

Note that there are blanks before and after /p /h in the string above.