Print orientation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Terry
  • Start date Start date



We have an Access 2007 database from which we print reports. However,
despite changing printer options (in the printer itself) and page layout
etc, we are unable to get the report to print out in Landscape.

Any help on how to get this to work would be greatly appreciated.


Just to clarify, we are using an Epson FX-890 dot matrix printer that is on
a continuous feed, printing A5 size.
Print is coming out always in Portrait and so doesn't look right on the
printout (perfect in print preview), we have tried to a std printer as well
and have the same issue
We have to use the Epson as they are two part forms that get printed (copy
for us, copy for client) and we have to run thousands at a time!!)


Another update, exporting to Word, all works fine EXCEPT it puts a separator
page between each print...not helpful :-(
Think I have finally found a solution by changing the printer driver and
setting a custom paper size (previous driver wouldn't allow this), and
keeping the print as portrait.