print order not following base query order

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dick Straw
  • Start date Start date

Dick Straw

This may be a bit exotic -- botanical nomenclature. Where a species is
identified as a hybrid its name has an X prefix, but it is properly
displayed in the alpha order of the name itself, ignoring the X. I have a
report based on a query that provides the information, including a long
string that concatenates the parts of the species name for the report. The
query sorts and displays the name in the correct order, ignoring the X, but
the report based on the query places the X-prefixed species at the bottom of
the genus list. Frustrating.
Ordering of data in reports is independent of ordering in the Query that is
the Report's Record Source, but only depends on the Sorting and Grouping
properties of the Report (unless you use the Order By property which is new
with Access 2002 and which complicates the matter).

Click the upper-leftmost little box, right-click, choose Sorting and
Grouping, and follow the instructions.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP