Paul O'Leary
Increasingly when developing Access 2000 databases the
reports I've created "lose" their print setup margins and
orientation. It's a random but inevitable occurrence in
one particular database. I can run any report several
times OK, then perhaps go to another part of the
database, then return and preview/run the report again
and PRESTO my report has reverted to Portrait from
Landdscape and adopted margins of 25mm around!
It can't just be me experiencing this problem?
reports I've created "lose" their print setup margins and
orientation. It's a random but inevitable occurrence in
one particular database. I can run any report several
times OK, then perhaps go to another part of the
database, then return and preview/run the report again
and PRESTO my report has reverted to Portrait from
Landdscape and adopted margins of 25mm around!
It can't just be me experiencing this problem?