How can i print a image to the printer in centimeters?
Guy said:How can i print a image to the printer in centimeters?
Guy said:I have done all that before, but wen i pass GraphicsUnits.Millimeter,
i get an error, something like "Not Implemented".
Is there no way
that i can calculate how many pixels there are in 1 centimeter?
Guy said:Armin
I get a messagebox with the following message when i pass the
parameter GraphicsUnit.Millimeter.
Btw i get the same error with all members of GraphicsUnit exept
An unhandled exception of type 'System.NotImplementedException'
occurred in system.drawing.dll
Additional information: Not implemented.
Guy said:I am working on it, and it seems to go the right way. Thank you verry
much for your efford. Do you get the same error when you pass then
parameter GraphicsUnit.Millimeter, or is it only on my pc?