print file directories

  • Thread starter Thread starter K Leahy
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K Leahy

In Windows 2000, How do I print a list of files say on a
zip drive, or a file folder so I can keep track of my
You can use a little trick that i found to be easy and

1. Go to start -> run -> cmd -> <enter>
2. d:\ (or whatever your zip drive is)
3. dir > dirlist.txt
4. open up the file d:\dirlist.txt and print it off

i'm sure there are other ways, but that's probably the
easiest way that i've found.. dir /? will give you a list
of all it's functions
I am also having trouble figuring out a way to print a list
of files/folders in a given folder or disk. I tried the
method shown below, but it didn't work. I have Windows
2000 and am trying to print just the files that have been
burned to a CD. The CD cover template doesn't serve my
needs. Isn't there an easy print screen command? Why does
Microsoft make this so difficult?

Patti Borneman said:
I am also having trouble figuring out a way to print a list
of files/folders in a given folder or disk. I tried the
method shown below, but it didn't work. I have Windows
2000 and am trying to print just the files that have been
burned to a CD. The CD cover template doesn't serve my
needs. Isn't there an easy print screen command? Why does
Microsoft make this so difficult?


Microsoft makes many things easier than if you had no software.
Are you sure that it's not a case of you not being willing to adapt?

Instead of
where c:\ is a drive and/or folder you can write to.

you can specify different folders with:
dir E:\somefolder\subfolder > c:\dirlists\dirlist.txt
this removes the need for step 2 below

if you want to append to the end of an existing dirlist.txt file, use
dir E:\anotherfolder >> c:\dirlists\dirlist.txt

If you have a printer plugged into the parallel port on the back of your
computer, you can try going direct with:
dir E:\somefolder > LPT1
dir E:\somefolder > PRN

more dir options (including the useful /s switch) are shown if you type dir /?
at the command prompt

also check out the pretty 'tree' command
tree > prn
What could be simpler?

if that doesn't work you will need to elaborate on which bit doesn't work,
providing more clues than you did this time.

Hope this helps

just another tip - don't use your real e-mail address if you don't want more

If the below suggestion doesn't work then you've overlooked
something. Can you navigate to the correct folder at the
command prompt? If so, the command "dir > dirlist.txt" (or
whatever you want to call the output file) will create an editable
text file of the directory listing. "dir /b /o > dirlist.txt" might be
better since it creates a listing of only file names in
alpha/numeric order. Just open it in Notepad or Wordpad
and print.
