Right. As I said, that's what it should do. I don't understand what the
problem is.
Russ Valentine
When I print a fax that I have already sent out, 5 additional lines are
printed at the top of my printout under my name as follows:
From: Jim [
[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 23:57
To: Michael Baron (Business Fax)
Cc: James Bond (Business Fax)
Subject: Fax Printing Problem
As you can see From: Jim [
[email protected]] is just picked up by printing
unitity and printed at the top of printed fax. It is picked up from the list
of my OL XP accounts.
QUESTION: What should I do that instead of (e-mail address removed) something else
is printed, either another email address that I wish, or just specifies my
fax number.
TSID & CSID are ok and printed properly.
Thanks Russ.
I don't have your setup to verify, but that seems normal to me. When you
send from Outlook, you are sending a mail message that then gets rendered as
a fax. So you will be identified as the sender in the header.
Why not make sure you have your TSID and CSID information filled in
correctly and use the Send Fax Wizard.
Russ Valentine
Fax transport utility which comes with Win XP. I send a fax in html format,
no cover page, and when I print it, at its top of the page prints the
sender's (my) email address! an email address picked up from list of my OL
XP email accounts, instead of writing fax transport or something with the
word fax in it.
Still lost. There is no fax utility that comes with Outlook 2002.
Sender information is always included at the top of faxes. It's required.
Russ Valentine
Thanks for your questions. In response:
-Fax was sent via fax utility coming with OL XP
-Fax format was html
-No cover page was included.
You sent this fax how and with what fax software? What cover page
configuration? What message format?
Russ Valentine
OL 2002 SP3 Win XP
Printing a sent fax prints a page on its top is the From: (e-mail address removed)
address which should not be there. Is there a way I can make that comply
with my spec.? Thanks a lot.