Print Excel Sheet from Access

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In access I created a form. From this form you can call a VBA code which
creates an Excel sheet from a query. The Excel sheet is made vissible using
the following code: xlApp.Visible = True

Which VBA code do I have to add to print the Excel sheet? And after the
sheet is printed, which code do I have to add to close the Excel application?

Thanks in advance,



should do the printing


as a tip, when writing automation applications, go into the automated
application and record a macro, do the functions you are trying to automate,
then stop the recording of the macro, then view the macro code, this idea
works excellently for word and excel.
Brilliant! Duh, here I have been scouring manuals, Help files, and the
object browser looking for correct COM syntax. This is one of those where
you say to yourself, that is so obvious I am stupid for not thinking of it.