Print error=Print titles must be contiguous and complete rows/colu

  • Thread starter Thread starter wimaint
  • Start date Start date


I tried printing a usual .xlsx documents and got the error message:
Print Titles Must Be Contiguous and Complete Rows or Columns.

I dont know what this means.
How do I correct this problem?

I ended up copying the contents of the worksheet AS IS and pasted onto a new
blank worksheet and it print just fine.

I dont understand.

Hi Michael,

Most likely you are trying to specify both rows and columns as print titles
in a single area. You must set rows for the print titles at the top of each
page and you must specify columns for the print titles you want to see at
the left. In other words you should have something like this in the Rows to
repeat at top box $1:$3 and something like $A:$B in the Columns to repeat at
left. A reference like $A:$B,$1:$2 in either box will generate the above