M Maverick Mar 12, 2004 #1 in basic there was a command "LPRINT" How can i print to the printer directly?
S SA Mar 13, 2004 #2 Mav: In VBA, what you do to print directly to the printer is use the Open and Print (or put) statements. You open as a file the printer port as in: PortOutput = FreeFile Open "LPT1" For Binary Access Write As #PortOutput Then use Put as in Put #PortOutput, , Eval(YourStringVariableHere) HTH
Mav: In VBA, what you do to print directly to the printer is use the Open and Print (or put) statements. You open as a file the printer port as in: PortOutput = FreeFile Open "LPT1" For Binary Access Write As #PortOutput Then use Put as in Put #PortOutput, , Eval(YourStringVariableHere) HTH