I've had a problem on several databases I've written (multi-user) where the
default settings for printing keep cropping up despite new ones being set and
saved. It seems to come and go. Does it have something to do with users
having different kinds of printers? It may work 100% of the time on 90% of
the reports, but that other 10% will default to Portrait w/1" margins every
once in awhile. It's not a biggy, but is irritating.
default settings for printing keep cropping up despite new ones being set and
saved. It seems to come and go. Does it have something to do with users
having different kinds of printers? It may work 100% of the time on 90% of
the reports, but that other 10% will default to Portrait w/1" margins every
once in awhile. It's not a biggy, but is irritating.