Print change bars



Word is not WYSIWYG after all. The track change bars are printing wrong. My
document AND print preview show change bars correctly on outside borders but
printing for some odd pages puts change bar on left border instead of right.
It is not consistent so I cannot see a pattern to correct it. Sometimes it
actually prints correctly within document. I have document set up with change
bars on outside border. What am I doing wrong?


No matter what version of Word is being used, this sounds like a printer
problem. Your printer could have become corrupted, and is unable to read
data correctly, you might need to update your driver. Run all print
maintenance files, test your printer header/alignment. Check with the
printer manufacturer to see if an updated driver is needed, and for further
troubleshooting. Hope it works out.


Thank you for your response. I appreciate hearing from you.
We did take that into consideration and tried printing it out on 4 different
printers in our office, but they all did the same thing. What baffles us is
that the file looks perfect on screen, and in print preview too, but PDFing
also results in the bars on the wrong side of the page. Why doesn't it print
exactly like the file appears on screen? What other reason can there be?


If it turns out different from "Print Preview" there is a more complicated
problem. The manufacturer of the printer might be aware of a common problem,
and have workaround options. Of coarse, they might try to sell you a new
printer, but they should know their own product. Just curious what kind is


We have 3 different models of HP printers and one Lanier printer in our
office. So what you're saying is that all these printers should be printing
exactly what I see on screen and in my print preview, right? But can it be
that ALL the print drivers are corrupt? Since my PDF also does not duplicate
my print preview, could it mean that something in my Word program is corrupt
in the message it's sending to these various printers and PDFwriter? I cannot
thank you enough for helping me resolve this issue. We are in quite a bind
with this problem.


Thank you to both you and katin42 because between the two of you, we were
able to deliver the job today! Thank you so much!


I have the same problem as linko. The screen looks fine but it prints too
large for the page. It takes numerous attempts at setting the print preview
in the printer preference to get it to work. It is hard to believe this is a
printer problem since my printer works just great in Publisher, Word 2003,

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