Please can you help me on printing a PDF trought Access VBA Code.
To Print a Word File I use this code and it works:
Dim WordObj As Object
Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WordObj.Documents.Open "C:\Imprimindo.doc"
WordObj.PrintOut Background:=False
Set WordObj = Nothing
When I try to do this wiht the PDF the CreateObject("Adobe.Application")
statement fails saying that the activeX control is not supported.
CAn somebody help me?
To Print a Word File I use this code and it works:
Dim WordObj As Object
Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WordObj.Documents.Open "C:\Imprimindo.doc"
WordObj.PrintOut Background:=False
Set WordObj = Nothing
When I try to do this wiht the PDF the CreateObject("Adobe.Application")
statement fails saying that the activeX control is not supported.
CAn somebody help me?