Print a label from a form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Victor
  • Start date Start date


I wish to include a command button on a form which
enables the user to print a label from the data of that
particular record.

I have a dedicated label printer attached to the PC

Can anyone help me please?
Presumably you have already created a report that fits your label? There is
a report wizard that helps you organize that.

Once you have the report, see the new article:
Print the record in the form
for instructions on how to just print the record in the form.

Note that Access will print the first label on the sheet, and then feed the
rest of the sheet out.
Your form should have a unique key field that represents that individual
(ex. CustomerID).
Your labels are a report, and that report can be based on a query as the
RecordSource. In that query, you should set up a criteria against the
CustomerID field like this... (use your own names)
When you click the button on your form, the report (label) will only
print the one address that matches the CustomerID on the active form.
Al Camp
Thank you.

I now have this working fine, thanks to the two people
who replied.

Thank you both

Vic Bull