Before I went out of town last week for business I had my monitors setup the
way i wanted them for primary and secondary. A flat screen as my primary and
my laptop as secondary. When I came back the primary and secondary had
switched to my laptop being primary and my flat screen as secondary. Under
the settings tab in the Display Properties window the 'Use this device as the
primary monitor.' is grayed out for both and it won't let me switch them.
Any suggestions on how to fix it or switch my primary back?
way i wanted them for primary and secondary. A flat screen as my primary and
my laptop as secondary. When I came back the primary and secondary had
switched to my laptop being primary and my flat screen as secondary. Under
the settings tab in the Display Properties window the 'Use this device as the
primary monitor.' is grayed out for both and it won't let me switch them.
Any suggestions on how to fix it or switch my primary back?