Hello expert:
Why primary key' s function avoiding dulplicate does not work when I put
this code in the before update event:
If Not IsNull(Me.[Invoice No].OldValue) Then
If Me.[Invoice No] <> Me.[Invoice No].OldValue Then
If MsgBox("Anda telah merobah!!, apakah sengaja mau merobah?",
vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
' Undo the changes
SendKeys "{ESC}"
End If
End If
End If
Waht should we do to remedy this, because I still need the function, because
it is in the invoice no. field.
Thanks in advance,
Why primary key' s function avoiding dulplicate does not work when I put
this code in the before update event:
If Not IsNull(Me.[Invoice No].OldValue) Then
If Me.[Invoice No] <> Me.[Invoice No].OldValue Then
If MsgBox("Anda telah merobah!!, apakah sengaja mau merobah?",
vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
' Undo the changes
SendKeys "{ESC}"
End If
End If
End If
Waht should we do to remedy this, because I still need the function, because
it is in the invoice no. field.
Thanks in advance,