Primary IDE Slave?

Sep 22, 2005
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I was reading in my MB manual and my Lite-On DVDRW manual that the Lite-On drive should be plugged into the secondary IDE port on MB. This way it will appear as the Primary IDE Slave in the BIOS setup screen. I checked all my connections to make sure everything is plugged in correctly, and it is, but the Lite-On is appearing as the Secondary IDE Master:


Any suggestions how I can get the Lite-On as the Primary IDE Slave, or is this not really all that important?


- dc
you need to connect it to the same IDE cable you have your hard drive connected to, you might have to set the jumper at the back of the drive though. It has no importance what so ever where you have it though, it wont change a thing.
its better to have optical drives on a different channel to the hard disks, as you currently have it.

optical drives tend to be slower than hard disks and is located on the same channel they will both run at the lower speed.

your current setup is spot on.
Thanks. I'm going to leave it as is, although I'm going to replace the bulky three-plug cables with a couple two-plug ones. Now all I have to do is figure out why programs still take a while to load. I thought after more RAM, the new PSU, and better cables that would have been taken care of. More brainstorming I guess.

Update: Today I went to Newegg and ordered 2 new two-plug round IDE cables to replace the long bulky three-plugs, some Artic Silver 5 thermal paste, and another case fan (I have an empty spot in the bottom/front of the case for it).

I'm thinking of replacing the CPU fan and heatsink I have with a Zalman CNPS7700-ALCU 120mm 2 Ball Cooling Fan. I've checked the specs and the Zalman will fit on the MB perfectly, without bumping into the PSU.

- dc
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