I have a slight challenge here. Long ago the primary IDE controller died
on one of my computers. Somehow I managed to get windows 2k running on
it, I believe windows saw itself as being on
multi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(1). Now I'm trying to install XP on it
with a different drive and I keep getting some NTLDR errors like how the
path isnt correct.
So I goto the recovery console and do a "map arc" only to see
scsi(1)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1). Huh? There aint no scsi drive or
card anywhere near here.
The current setup is the drive as master and the CD as slave on the 2nd
IDE channel. I cant really replace the MB because its a wacky mini-ATX
and finding one that works with my 200fsb duron will probably be expensive.
I really want this to work as I could use a nice spare computer to beat
around with. So I loaded Knoppix on there and changed boot.ini to
multi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(1), which the old win2k installtion was
using. No dice, then I get NTLDR is missing.
This is an old compaq 5000us with a uwave motherboard.
Any suggestions?
on one of my computers. Somehow I managed to get windows 2k running on
it, I believe windows saw itself as being on
multi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(1). Now I'm trying to install XP on it
with a different drive and I keep getting some NTLDR errors like how the
path isnt correct.
So I goto the recovery console and do a "map arc" only to see
scsi(1)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1). Huh? There aint no scsi drive or
card anywhere near here.
The current setup is the drive as master and the CD as slave on the 2nd
IDE channel. I cant really replace the MB because its a wacky mini-ATX
and finding one that works with my 200fsb duron will probably be expensive.
I really want this to work as I could use a nice spare computer to beat
around with. So I loaded Knoppix on there and changed boot.ini to
multi(0)disk(1)rdisk(0)partition(1), which the old win2k installtion was
using. No dice, then I get NTLDR is missing.
This is an old compaq 5000us with a uwave motherboard.
Any suggestions?