Priclessware site is pathetic!

  • Thread starter Thread starter stan
  • Start date Start date


Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless they fix
this problem!

example! why do I visit priclessware? today I go to see which Virus Checker
most of this ACF group voted for!, can I find this information? NO! I
wasted my time again, I know there are 4 freeware virus checkers, but I
want to know which one most people in this group voted for!

example! which firewall software did most ACF users recommend?

(this information would help me decide which freeware firewall to install)
but I cant tell which firewall got 12 votes from the firewall that got 112
votes this important information is deliberately not put in the product

this is so easy to fix, but yet they deliberately want to make it harder
for people to choose freeware and the reason we vote is to make it easier

I "vote" and I want to see in the "detail description" how many votes the
product got, this is important information that helps people decide which
freeware to install..

whether you like it or not! the amount of votes a freeware program gets
is the rating, so why not show this information..

stan said:
Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless they fix
this problem!

example! why do I visit priclessware? today I go to see which Virus Checker
most of this ACF group voted for!, can I find this information? NO! I
wasted my time again, I know there are 4 freeware virus checkers, but I
want to know which one most people in this group voted for!

example! which firewall software did most ACF users recommend?

(this information would help me decide which freeware firewall to install)
but I cant tell which firewall got 12 votes from the firewall that got 112
votes this important information is deliberately not put in the product

this is so easy to fix, but yet they deliberately want to make it harder
for people to choose freeware and the reason we vote is to make it easier

I "vote" and I want to see in the "detail description" how many votes the
product got, this is important information that helps people decide which
freeware to install..

whether you like it or not! the amount of votes a freeware program gets
is the rating, so why not show this information..


I agree that having more than one program in any category kind of
defeats the purpose of the list. I've thought that from the start.
It's also a good idea to have the votes per program posted, but that
info might be available elsewhere.
Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless they fix
this problem!


I nominate this post for most ill-tempered attempt at a ludicrously
obvious troll using an anonymising service (2004).
stan said:
Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless they fix
this problem!

this is so easy to fix, but yet they deliberately want to make it harder
for people to choose freeware and the reason we vote is to make it easier

I "vote" and I want to see in the "detail description" how many votes the
product got, this is important information that helps people decide which
freeware to install..

whether you like it or not! the amount of votes a freeware program gets
is the rating, so why not show this information..

We? They? "I has met the enemy and they is us."

Votes are not shown on the site because ACF
newsgroup participants decided they shouldn't be shown. You must ask the
group to change their decision if you want to "fix this problem".

Semolina Pilchard said:

I nominate this post for most ill-tempered attempt at a ludicrously
obvious troll using an anonymising service (2004).

It might be a bit forceful ie: snippy, but it is a valid question. As
stated, if one gets 12 votes and another gets 200 votes, it would be nice
information to know to help in the choosing process.

Semolina said:

I nominate this post for most ill-tempered attempt at a ludicrously
obvious troll using an anonymising service (2004).

aka ITALOTUAS (2004)
I would vote, but as Susan writes (in this thread) :
"Votes are not shown on the site because ACF
newsgroup participants decided they shouldn't be shown"

So there's no point! :-)
Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless they fix
this problem!

example! why do I visit priclessware? today I go to see which Virus Checker
most of this ACF group voted for!, can I find this information? NO! I
wasted my time again, I know there are 4 freeware virus checkers, but I
want to know which one most people in this group voted for!

example! which firewall software did most ACF users recommend?

(this information would help me decide which freeware firewall to install)
but I cant tell which firewall got 12 votes from the firewall that got 112
votes this important information is deliberately not put in the product

this is so easy to fix, but yet they deliberately want to make it harder
for people to choose freeware and the reason we vote is to make it easier

I "vote" and I want to see in the "detail description" how many votes the
product got, this is important information that helps people decide which
freeware to install..

whether you like it or not! the amount of votes a freeware program gets
is the rating, so why not show this information..


I think that the top 2 or 3 should be shown in order. That way people have another choice if
they have trouble running the top-rated on their PC.
stan said:
Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless they fix
this problem!

example! why do I visit priclessware? today I go to see which Virus Checker
most of this ACF group voted for!, can I find this information? NO! I
wasted my time again, I know there are 4 freeware virus checkers, but I
want to know which one most people in this group voted for!

example! which firewall software did most ACF users recommend?

(this information would help me decide which freeware firewall to install)
but I cant tell which firewall got 12 votes from the firewall that got 112
votes this important information is deliberately not put in the product

this is so easy to fix, but yet they deliberately want to make it harder
for people to choose freeware and the reason we vote is to make it easier

I "vote" and I want to see in the "detail description" how many votes the
product got, this is important information that helps people decide which
freeware to install..

whether you like it or not! the amount of votes a freeware program gets
is the rating, so why not show this information..


AVG Anti-Virus System (Anti-Virus) 40 (won)
F-Prot Antivirus for DOS (Anti-Virus) 34 (won)
Avast! (Anti-Virus) 19 (won)
AntiVir Personal Edition (Anti-Virus) 19 (won)[email protected]&rnum=2
Glenn said:
It might be a bit forceful ie: snippy, but it is a valid question. As
stated, if one gets 12 votes and another gets 200 votes, it would be nice
information to know to help in the choosing process.

200 votes? only 100 people voted last year. . . :)

the PL2004 vote results:[email protected]

the final vote count:

Below is the final list of the PL2004 voting results. Programs are
listed in alphabetical order.

1-4a Rename (4)
1by1 (13)
1st Page 2000 (19)
2Flyer Screensaver Builder (7)
2xExplorer (38)
40tude Dialog (14)
7-Zip (27)
@icon sushi (4)
AbiWord (19)
AceHTML 5 Freeware (9)
ActivIcons (8)
Ad-Aware (75)
Add/Remove Pro (15)
Agent Ransack (26)
Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) (16)
AGO Agent Group Order (7)
AI RoboForm (12)
Aida32 (46)
All-Purpose Spell Checker (APSC) (19)
AllChars (10)
AM-DeadLink (29)
Amaya (9)
Amphetadesk (5)
Another Task Manager (ATM) (10)
Ant Movie Catalog (8)
AntiVir Personal Edition (19)
AP Guitar tuner (8)
ArsClip (7)
Atlantis Nova (18)
AtNotes (21)
Atomic Clock Sync (15)
AtomTime95 (8)
Attribute Changer (11)
Audacity (22)
AutoIt (20)
AutoSizer (7)
Avant Browser (14)
Avast! (19)
AVG Anti-Virus System (40)
AxCrypt (6)
BASK (5)
Batchrun (15)
Belarc Advisor (27)
BgInfo (6)
Binary News Reader (BNR) (6)
BitMorph (4)
Blender (7)
Bookmark Wizard (9)
Burn to the Brim (9)
Burnatonce (11)
Buttonz! and Tilez! (9)
Cacheman (14)
Calc98 (9)
Calendar Magic (24)
Calypso (12)
Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts) (11)
Catfish (10)
Cathy (15)
CDCheck (14)
CDex (35)
CesarFTP (5)
Chainsaw (19)
ChangeIcon (9)
ClickTray Calendar (9)
Cobian Backup (7)
ColorPic (3)
Columbine Bookmark Merge (CBM) (9)
ConText (15)
Convert (20)
Cookie Muncher (8)
CookieWall (8)
Cool Player (8)
Cool Ruler (10)
CopyURL (15)
Crazy Browser (11)
Crimson Editor (20)
Crypt Edit (19)
Currency Converter 2 (5)
CutePDF Printer (14)
CyberKit (5)
Cygwin (11)
DAEMON Tools (17)
Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar (6)
DCOMbobulator (8)
DDTitle (4)
Debian (8)
DeKnop (6)
Dependency Walker (22)
Desktop Architect (7)
Dia (13)
Diagram Designer (5)
Dimension 4 (11)
Dir2HTML (16)
Directory Lister (12)
Dirhtml (14)
DirKey (8)
DLExpert (19)
DLL Archive (16)
DownloadExpress (10)
Drive Rescue (12)
e-Sword (12)
Easy Gallery Generator (EGG) (7)
Easy MD5 Creator (6)
Easy SFV Creator (4)
EasyCleaner (32)
eCleaner (8)
EditPad Lite (22)
EDXOR (11)
Email Encoder (3)
Embellish (6)
Emergency Recovery Utility NT (ERUNT) (13)
Empty Temp Folders (14)
eMule (7)
Encryption for the Masses (E4M) (10)
ePrompter (11)
Eraser (29)
ESBCalc (11)
Ethereal (11)
EVE (12)
Exact Audio Copy (EAC) (28)
ExamDiff (22)
Explore2fs (8)
Extended Character Map (12)
ExtractNow (11)
EyeDropper (6)
F-Prot Antivirus for DOS (34)
Filemon (15)
FileTargets (12)
FileZilla (21)
FilZip (9)
Flexible Renamer (7)
Font Magic (11)
Foobar2000 (7)
FoxMail (19)
Fractal Explorer (6)
Free Agent (20)
Free Digital Camera Enhancer (10)
Free Pascal (4)
FreeBSD (7)
FreeZip (6)
Frhed (10)
FSRaid (5)
FTP Wanderer (5)
GhostScript and GhostView (21)
GoldenSectionNotes (9)
Google Toolbar (26)
GrabIt (8)
Graph Paper Printer (15)
Gravity (14)
GSpot (11)
Hamster (20)
HarddiskOGG (3)
Hook99 (4)
Hosts File (12)
Hosts Toggle (11)
Hotkeys (7)
HTML Calender Generator 4 (8)
HTML E-Mail Address Encrypter (4)
HTML-Kit (18)
HTTRACK (WinHTTrack) (21)
IceChat (5)
Icon Snatcher (10)
IconShop (8)
ID-Blaster Plus (6)
IE 5 Power Tweaks Web Accessories (11)
IE 5 Web Accessories (10)
IEradicator (14)
Info-Rapid Search &amp; Replace (20)
Inno Setup (15)
IntelliTamper (4)
InterCover (5)
Irfanview (87)
IZArc (16)
JAlbum (12)
Jedit (6)
JPEG Cleaner (9)
jv16 Powertools (33)
K-meleon (14)
K9 (14)
Karen's Replicator (12)
KaZaA Lite (19) (disqualified)
Kerio Personal Firewall (34)
KeyNote (31)
Kookie Jar (7)
Korrnews (6)
LAME (21)
LeechFTP (17)
LeechGet (12)
LFN-Tools (Long FileNames in DOS) (9)
Lister (6)
Lupas Rename (Lupas 2000) (11)
Magic Mail Monitor (10)
Mailwasher (20)
MakePDF (5)
Matizha Sublime (1)
MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004 (6)
Media Player Classic (22)
MemLoad (8)
MemoKeys (5)
Memtest86 (8)
Mercury Editor (5)
MetaPad (28)
Micro Egg Timer (7)
Miranda IM (10)
MotherBoard Monitor (MBM) (14)
MouseImp (9)
Mozilla (26)
Mozilla Firebird (was Phoenix) (41)
MP3 Book Helper (8)
MP3Gain (17)
Mp3tag (14)
MPEG Audio Collection (MAC) (10)
MultiRes (13)
MuRa's Filters (6)
MWSnap (24)
My Own Backup (MOB) (10)
MyAlbum (9)
MyIE2 (21)
MyRun (4)
NetLaunch (9)
NetStat Live (9)
Neutron (16)
nnCron LITE (6)
NoteTab Light (24)
Noworyta News Reader (6)
nPOP (6)
Octopus (5)
OE-Quotefix (25)
OffByOne (20)
OleClean (6)
OpenExpert (14) (45)
Optimoz (4)
Oscar's File Renamer (11)
Oubliette (13)
Outlook Express (19)
Outlook-Quotefix (7)
Pablo Commander (5)
Pan (5)
Pardon (8)
Password Safe (12)
Path Copy (PathCopy) (13)
PC Inspector File Recovery (13)
PDFCreator (11)
Pegasus Mail (23)
picture-shark (8)
Pimmy (14)
PINs (10)
Pixia (17)
PolderBackup (11)
POP Peeper (12)
PopCorn (15)
POPFile (13)
PopTray (11)
Popup Manager (6)
PopupStopper (9)
PowerArchiver (20)
PowerDesk (21)
PowerGrab 2002 (5)
PowerPro (11)
PRCView (8)
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) (15)
PrintKey 2000 (7)
Privoxy (6)
Process Explorer (16)
Programmer's File Editor (PFE) (15)
Properties Plus (10)
Proxy+ (3)
PSPad (11)
Psycle (4)
PTB Sync (7)
Push That Freakin' Button (PTFB) (7)
Putty (10)
Python (13)
Quick 'n Easy FTP Server (5)
Quick Folders (8)
Quick Resource (8)
QuickPar (8)
QuickSFV (5)
QuickSilver (6)
Quintessential Player (QCD) (10)
Ragtime Solo (9)
Rain (9)
RAMpage (7)
Ranish Partition Manager (16)
ReadPlease (6)
RecycleNOW (5)
RegCleaner (30)
RegEditX (6)
Registrar Lite (11)
RegMagik (5)
RegMon (13)
RegSeeker (28)
RegShot (5)
ReplaceEm (was BK ReplaceEm) (13)
Resource Hacker (23)
Restoration (8)
Revelation (10)
rjhExtensions (7)
Rname-it (5)
RUNit (7)
Sam Spade (18)
Savepart (10)
Scanner (6)
SciTE (14)
Screen Calipers (8)
Scribe (7)
Script Defender (8)
Script Sentry (6)
ScripTrap (7)
SetBrowser (16)
Shareaza (9)
SimpleOCR (8)
SiSoftware Sandra (1)
Slide Show Movie Maker (SSMM) (3)
SlimBrowser (10)
SlowView (9)
SmartFTP (10)
SnIco Edit (8)
SoftCAT (10)
SpaceMonger (9)
SpamPal (9)
Speakonia (7)
Sphygmic Spreadsheet (9)
Spider (15)
Splitz! (5)
Spybot Search &amp; Destroy (69)
SpywareBlaster (30)
Star Downloader (17)
StarCalc (7)
Start-Up Monitor (14)
Startup Control Panel (22)
Stone's WebWriter (6)
StrokeIt (4)
Sun Clock (5)
Super Gravity (17)
SuperFormat (8)
Sylpheed (8)
TClock (9)
TClockEx (26)
TCP Optimizer (TCP/IP Optimizer) (7)
Terragen (4)
Text2Web (8)
The Font Thing (20)
The Gimp (28)
The GodFather (6)
The Proxomitron (43)
THE Rename (13)
TightVNC (18)
tinySpell (8)
TMPGEnc (17)
TortoiseCVS (6)
Total Uninstall (30)
TrackerV3 (12)
Transparent (5)
Traybar (4)
TreeCopy (8)
Treepad Lite and Treepad Asia (17)
TreeSize (8)
Trillian (16)
Turbo Navigator (8)
TweakAll (10)
TypeItIn (10)
Ulead Gif Animator (10)
UrlRun (4)
UUDWin (4)
VanBasco's Karaoke Player (7)
vim (6)
VirtualDub (22)
Visit URL (8)
Visual CD (8)
Visual Thought (10)
VNC (9)
WAssociate (9)
Weather Watcher (10)
Web2Text (7)
WebMon (7)
Webreaper (9)
Webwasher (12)
Whisper (6)
WinAmp Classic (38)
WinDriversBackup Personal Edition (13)
WinKey (6)
WinMX (19)
WinPatrol (10)
WordWeb (25)
World Time (12)
WS_FTP LE (23)
X-Fonter (18)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (28)
Xnews (44)
XnView (25)
XOSL (9)
Xteq X-Setup (38)
XXCopy (24)
YahooPOPs! (11)
Yankee Clipper III (22)
Zinf (5)
Zip Peeker (6)
ZipCentral (4)
ZipGenius (16)
ZipInstaller (5)
ZipScan (6)
Zone Alarm (40)
Zoner Draw 3 (12)
ZoomPlayer (13)

Susan said:
We? They? "I has met the enemy and they is us."

Votes are not shown on the site because ACF
newsgroup participants decided they shouldn't be shown. You must ask the
group to change their decision if you want to "fix this problem".

IOW - start a discussion thread and ask if the group wants to make this

I forgot to mention this: I don't know how the other PL site does it
but. . .

On the site when there is more that one PW
selection in a subcategory the top vote getter is shown *first*, the
second highest vote getter is shown next etc. etc.

while in a state of nirvana said:
Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless
they fix
this problem!

example! why do I visit priclessware? today I go to see which
Virus Checker most of this ACF group voted for!, can I find this
information? NO! I wasted my time again, I know there are 4
freeware virus checkers, but I want to know which one most people
in this group voted for!

example! which firewall software did most ACF users recommend?

(this information would help me decide which freeware firewall to
install) but I cant tell which firewall got 12 votes from the
firewall that got 112 votes this important information is
deliberately not put in the product

Different people have different preferences and different needs.
Frankly, I don't give a crap how many votes a program gets. Most of
what I use either isn't on the list or isn't a top vote-getter. Here's
an idea: download some programs and find out which ones /you/ like the
Different people have different preferences and different needs.
Frankly, I don't give a crap how many votes a program gets. Most of
what I use either isn't on the list or isn't a top vote-getter. Here's
an idea: download some programs and find out which ones /you/ like the
Having read the original article I was ready to defend PW, but like you
I disagree with many of the choices and think that trying is good, but
for a newbie, it gives them somewhere to start. I do, however, like to
compare the favorites to my preferences. It is not an easy site to use
and last time I looked I hoped to see a 'search the site' facility,
because the category of some stuff is not always obvious.
Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless they fix
this problem!
kindof a big jump from "they don't do it MY way" to 'pathetic', isn't
it? Why not just a question "Can I please see the vote tallys?"

naawwww, that's to easy....but you got 'em anyway...
John said:
I agree that having more than one program in any category kind of
defeats the purpose of the list.

I dunno so much, there could never be a valid reason for listing, eg,
Sygate over Kerio. And there is no such thing as a 'best' text editor.
I work on the assumption that inclusion on the list is good enough in
itself. I reckon the list would lose credibility if it were restricted
to one app per category.

It is not an easy site to use
and last time I looked I hoped to see a 'search the site' facility,
because the category of some stuff is not always obvious.

Tyneside - North East of England
To email me directly omit the X from my address

Search facility?
Look here right in the middle of the page:
jo said:
John Corliss wrote:

I dunno so much, there could never be a valid reason for listing, eg,
Sygate over Kerio. And there is no such thing as a 'best' text editor.
I work on the assumption that inclusion on the list is good enough in
itself. I reckon the list would lose credibility if it were restricted
to one app per category.

Well then, we agree to disagree.
Susan Bugher said:
IOW - start a discussion thread and ask if the group wants to make this

Even if the votes are not in the main part of the PL site
it would be interesting to see the votes added as a new
column in the program list table on this page:

so that one could sort it by votes to see which are the
extreme vote getters or sort it by category to see the
distribution of votes within category. Perhaps in some
categories the first one listed (i.e. highest vote attractor)
has a lot more votes than any of the others whereas in other
categories perhaps its much closer.

Alternately (or in addition), perhaps a table, augmented
with a vote column, could be provided either on the site or
in a posting to acf in some common format, such as .csv,
so people can do their own analysis.

Another theme mentioned by a few people is that PL
voting does not necessarily reflect their own preferences.
Perhaps people should be able to rate software on a scale
from 1 to 10 rather than just vote or not vote for it.

Another idea is to break the results down by subpopulation
of voters, e.g. home v work, win95/98 v win2000/XP. The
internet movie database ( does this by giving
an overall rating and then if you click on the yellow stars
it drills down to subpopulations. See
and click on the yellow stars for examples where there are
subpopulations that have very different viewpoints than the
overall rating.

At the video store I go to each of the staff members gives
their picks so over time you get to know which staff member
has similar preferences to you and you can just look at
their picks. If PL solicited and organized the ratings of
some of the acf regulars this might fulfill that function.
On IMDB they sort of do this by having a subpopulation that
consists of IMDB staff.
Pricelessware site is pathetic, and I do vote every year, and I'm
disappointed every year, no more, I'm not voting anymore! unless they fix
this problem!

example! why do I visit priclessware? today I go to see which Virus Checker
most of this ACF group voted for!, can I find this information? NO! I
wasted my time again, I know there are 4 freeware virus checkers, but I
want to know which one most people in this group voted for!

example! which firewall software did most ACF users recommend?

(this information would help me decide which freeware firewall to install)
but I cant tell which firewall got 12 votes from the firewall that got 112
votes this important information is deliberately not put in the product

this is so easy to fix, but yet they deliberately want to make it harder
for people to choose freeware and the reason we vote is to make it easier

I "vote" and I want to see in the "detail description" how many votes the
product got, this is important information that helps people decide which
freeware to install..

whether you like it or not! the amount of votes a freeware program gets
is the rating, so why not show this information..


Well Stan:

You made an impression. Guess what kind you made?

If you had a bad experience, make suggestions. Guess what, the group
listens. What help does your " pathetic " statement make?

Your turn.


Wayne D
As stated, if one gets 12 votes and another gets 200 votes, it
would be nice information to know to help in the choosing process.

stan said 12 and 112, but in either case, the app with over 100 votes
would be on the list and the comparable one with twelve would not.