It takes a great deal of time to accummulate points Googlewise to
display first in the returned results. They use a pretty complex
algorithm that makes it difficult to impossible for an old site to be
displayed after a new site in this situation.
Not that complicated really in the generalities, just accumulate as many
links as possible, boost Pagerank, get a good keyword density , proper
domain name etc, But the incoming links is the main thing. But you know
that already and I disgress.
We're talking about
being google listed for 3-4 years, being linked from web sites
worldwide, and with a few magazine articles listing it versus a new
site a tad bit older than one month here.
The site work during that period of time I've been here, while the
site was building it's top google ranking, is currently being
continued at the new site. You probably know all that already.
I don't. I haven't being keeping track of the "pricelessware home page
saga", despite reading this group daily.I don't know who are or were
behind the 2 different pages. It might come as a shock to you, but I'm
not even sure which one of the 2 is the original one, since in the past I
always enter "pricelessware" in google when i needed the site.
Okay I did a bit of research it seems that the original content by Susan
is now on a new domain correct? You are
backing that site too, though your work in the past to boost the PR of
the old domain is now coming back to haunt you?
The original domain now hosts a different design by yet another set of
people led by Garett?
Did I get it right?
So, what then? Can I infer that your position is that the old site is
By old site you mean the original domain of The
contents there appear to be new.
because it comes up first in a google search; and that the
official site will change as google rankings change, in the same
fairness? C'mon.
Am I to infer from your statements that you will be trying to wrestle the
No 1 spot on google?

That might be hard. Given that is a much better domain name and by default tons of
links go to it by default.
My point in mentioning google is that, like it or not, the site listed as
first is extremely likely to be perecived as the real site. (too long) is not helped by the fact that the
domain name doesn't look as official as and looks
like a spoof of the later.
I say this as someone who is offically netural with respect to the
pricelessware homepage wars.So not flaming thanks