Andre Southgate
Hi There!
We are running a win2k sp4 server with xp pro workstations
(all latest service packs installed) with roaming profiles.
Sometimes when users login, in thier profile root directory
there are 65000 0 byte tmp files called prf*.tmp.
What are these and why do they accumulate in such
quantities. They cause login and logouts to take 40
we have been deleting them to enable users to login and out
We are running a win2k sp4 server with xp pro workstations
(all latest service packs installed) with roaming profiles.
Sometimes when users login, in thier profile root directory
there are 65000 0 byte tmp files called prf*.tmp.
What are these and why do they accumulate in such
quantities. They cause login and logouts to take 40
we have been deleting them to enable users to login and out