Windows XP PRF file deployment not working

Jun 19, 2008
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I'm trying to create a log in script that will allow me to configure Outlook clients across our company using a PFR file.

I've created the reg file that will delete the First-Run value and add the appropiate "ImportPRF" srting key. I'm both manualy and through login script have apply this reg file and it works. The values are modify as expecter. After this I start Outlook but the startup wizard still comes up.

I've dougle check the value of the ImportPRF key to make sure that the path is correct and I've also manually open the prf file trough that same path and it works (getting the prompt warning me about changes on the profile).

I also notice that every time I start Outlook the ImportPRF key is deleted from the registry, meaning that Outlook process the request but for some reason doesn't actually applies the file.

Any ideas????

here are the Reg file and the lof in script...

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"ImportPRF"="%logonserver%\share\outlook.prf "

If not exist "%USERPROFILE%\flag.txt" (
regedit /s %logonserver%\netlogon\outlook\outlook.reg
Copy %logonserver%\netlogon\outlook\flag.txt "%USERPROFILE%"
You and I are both in the same boat except I did not use a log in script, I used run once in the registry to even try to add the 3 keys and stll no luck. Seems like we are not doing something properly.
I had to do 2 things to get this to work.. some how.

1 - Disable "Run Logon Scripts Synchronously" This to prevent outlook from hanging the rest of the log on processes.

2 - We had to get over the fact that a warning dialog whould pop requesting the user to accept the changes on the Outlook profile. Users are perfectlly capable to say "yes" when they are warned ahead of time.

Other than that it worked out pretty well. I presumme that perhaps a new Office 2003 security update is preventing the process from running quietlly.

The only backlash in relation to the "Run logon scripts... " options is that some mapings would be missing at log on. But we set all the policies that mapped a drive as enforced and that helped.

Hope this give you some pointers.

If I manually enter ImportPRF, FirtRun, and First-Run into current user it seems to work ok. Also if I double click on the prf it works fine. Its just when I attempt to automate it by entering it into Default User is when it does not work when a new user logs on. I am contemplating just putting in a runonce to run Outlook and import the prf so the user is setup. Any other ideas let me know, thanks!