I described my problem in a recent post on this forum, but I probably did not
state it clearly enough. Both Steve Easton and Andrew Murray tried to help me
solve the problem. The solution, though, was not adequate. Maybe there is no
Up untill a few weeks ago my website was healthy. I decided to clean up some
file names though. These file names had the %20 between words in the name
because there were spaces. I removed the spaces and the multiple %20s
disappeared. I made these changes following the guidelines in Jim Buyens
FrontPage 2003, Inside Out (an excellent book).
Since this minor change in my website, over half the pages in my site cannot
now be displayed in the Preview view when I'm offline. When I'm online the
Preview view shows all pages correctly.
When I preview the pages online and pass the mouse pointer over the
navigation hyperlinks, I get strange file names. For example, on my Biology
of Baldness page the path looks like this:
The file name for this page when not on Preview is - biology_of_baldness.htm.
Does this elaborate path in the Preview mode have any significance?
Steve Easton wrote: "The file path you showed means you edited a page
without having your web open." I don't edit pages this way.
After making the minor adjustments to my file names previously, I
recalclulated the hyperlinks. This did not solve the problem of the erratic
Preview mode either.
My website looks healthy both in my local copy and on the Internet -
http://www.hairloss-reversible.com. What is the significance of the
malfunctioning Preview view? Is it possible to restore it to 100% functional
status again?
I built my website with FrontPage 2000 but upgraded it using the 2003
state it clearly enough. Both Steve Easton and Andrew Murray tried to help me
solve the problem. The solution, though, was not adequate. Maybe there is no
Up untill a few weeks ago my website was healthy. I decided to clean up some
file names though. These file names had the %20 between words in the name
because there were spaces. I removed the spaces and the multiple %20s
disappeared. I made these changes following the guidelines in Jim Buyens
FrontPage 2003, Inside Out (an excellent book).
Since this minor change in my website, over half the pages in my site cannot
now be displayed in the Preview view when I'm offline. When I'm online the
Preview view shows all pages correctly.
When I preview the pages online and pass the mouse pointer over the
navigation hyperlinks, I get strange file names. For example, on my Biology
of Baldness page the path looks like this:
The file name for this page when not on Preview is - biology_of_baldness.htm.
Does this elaborate path in the Preview mode have any significance?
Steve Easton wrote: "The file path you showed means you edited a page
without having your web open." I don't edit pages this way.
After making the minor adjustments to my file names previously, I
recalclulated the hyperlinks. This did not solve the problem of the erratic
Preview mode either.
My website looks healthy both in my local copy and on the Internet -
http://www.hairloss-reversible.com. What is the significance of the
malfunctioning Preview view? Is it possible to restore it to 100% functional
status again?
I built my website with FrontPage 2000 but upgraded it using the 2003