Preview Screen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony Cooper
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Tony Cooper

I've just started using MMM and have some basic questions:

Question #1

When putting together clips from a movie shot indoors at night, the
Preview Screen is very dark. It's difficult to make out exactly where
to split the clips or what to edit out.

The movie when viewed on the television screen from the DVD made is
fine. The same scenes are not dark.

I can bounce up the brightness of the whole screen, but this makes the
screen that isn't the Preview Screen too washed out.

Common problem? Live with it? Or is there a tweak?

Question #2

What's the ideal length/size of movies that are to be put onto a DVD?

I had one movie that was about 20 minutes long in real time. First I
had to break it into two sections to be able to save it. Then I
couldn't burn it with Nero because there is "not enough space in temp
file. 956 mb available and 1043 mb needed".

The above may be a Nero question rather than a MM question, but I'd
think the regulars here deal with the same situation. I created a new
temp file, but evidently the temp files are limited to 956 mb since I
get the same message using the new file. Dunno how to make a larger

Q1) Could you not increase the brightness just for editing purposes and
remove it prior to doing the compile?

Q2) Your problem is clearly disk space and there is really just one
solution, get a bigger drive.
You should also consider doing some housekeeping....Use whatever you have
to remove redundant files (If you haven't got a utility for that there is a
free one on my website called Delete Dross) If you do not want to invest in
a bigger drive there is a little trick I once used. Turn off your systems
ability to use Virtual Memory and after you have rebooted delete the file
PAGEFILE.SYS You will find it in the root directory of drive C as a rule
but if you are like me it will be on a separate drive....the dialog box
will tell you which drive. Going back to the Delete Dross
DELETES would be quite hard to retrieve one after using this
program on does NOT use the recycle bin

Nero, I use it almost every day to edit video and make DVD's For ordinary
TV quality video, you can get 4hours on to one dual layer disk or 2hours on
a standard dvd.

John Kelly
Truthfully, I am not an Instant Expert, But I know someone who is going to
have to try a LOT harder
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Q2) Your problem is clearly disk space and there is really just one
solution, get a bigger drive.

I am battling the disk space problem since I only have a 20 gig hard
drive. At the time that I added it to supplement my 4 gig hard drive,
I thought 20 gigs could hold twice what I would ever need. Now I'm
wondering if a 100 gig drive would be adequate for future needs.

What I don't understand, though, is the relationship with a folder and
drive space. I can understand how the drive can become so full that
additional files and folder cannot be created, but why would one
folder be restricted in size?

By the way, your posting style can be confusing. When you snip the
question or topic you are responding to, it's not always clear what
you are referring to. I do believe in snippage, but at least a line
or so could be retained for reference.

The confusion is not so much on the first reply since the OP remembers
what was written, but as a thread progresses it can be a problem.
I am battling the disk space problem since I only have a 20 gig hard
drive. At the time that I added it to supplement my 4 gig hard drive,
I thought 20 gigs could hold twice what I would ever need. Now I'm
wondering if a 100 gig drive would be adequate for future needs.

What I don't understand, though, is the relationship with a folder and
drive space. I can understand how the drive can become so full that
additional files and folder cannot be created, but why would one
folder be restricted in size?

By the way, your posting style can be confusing. When you snip the
question or topic you are responding to, it's not always clear what
you are referring to. I do believe in snippage, but at least a line
or so could be retained for reference.

The confusion is not so much on the first reply since the OP remembers
what was written, but as a thread progresses it can be a problem.

Tony Cooper
Orlando FL


One hour of DV-AVI quality video will take at least 13GB of space so you
can see that 20GB is fairly small. I have a little under one terra byte on
my graphics machine and last night I had to start moving stuff out because
of a job I am starting today.. Yes its completely over the top. I never set
out to create that much storage. It got this way when I recently added a
large RAID assembly and did not bother removing the drives already

There is a topic in XP called Quota's I have a feeling you might need to
read up on that and check what you have set on your machine Its not
impossible that a setting has been screwed up somewhere. Usually though a
quota restriction is applied against a user name and not a sub directory.
I'm not sure that XP will allow it at that level. I never use that feature

Snipping. The software I use is a dedicated news reader and it does not
include the original message by default. I guess the author of the software
thought it unnecessary (It also cuts down a tremendous amount on the volume
of data being transferred across the net) but just for you...I have
included your message above my reply (as you can obviously see)

John Kelly
Truthfully, I am not an Instant Expert, But I know someone who is going to
have to try a LOT harder
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Snipping. The software I use is a dedicated news reader and it does not
include the original message by default. I guess the author of the software
thought it unnecessary (It also cuts down a tremendous amount on the volume
of data being transferred across the net) but just for you...I have
included your message above my reply (as you can obviously see)

My comment was not meant as criticism. I follow another newsgroup
(alt.usage.english) where threads tend to be long and some entries are
posted long after the original post. I'm used to wanting to be able
to pick up gist of what is being replied to in these cases.

I'm a snipper, but I try to leave *only* the part of the post that I'm
replying to so the reader isn't bogged down by having to read through
other parts.

I use Agent which does put in the whole post being replied to, but
allows me to pare that down. It also cuts the sig lines if they are
properly formatted. That's a good thing because they are seldom
important to the reply.

I can, with Agent, open previously read posts and follow back to pick
up any ambiguous points in the reply. It's just easier not to.

No No, I wasn't taking it as criticism.....

Agent sounds interesting...might take a look

I use News Rover. The main point of using News Rover is that you do not
have to read newsgroups the way they are presented. I can make an
"Interest" group out of many (or all) other newsgroups and I can restrict
messages in that interest to those that conform to a set of definable
criteria. With regards to the claims of others (how many newsgroups they
say they post to) it is very easy to check. Simply create the interest
group, tell it how far to look into the past and forget about runs
happily in the background.

On top of that, I don't collect news from one location but I only ever see
one copy of the message. It deals with duplicate entries very nicely. This
means that I get the "news" faster than those who use things like Internet
Explorer or Outlook and accessing information within those messages is VERY

The one important feature...News Rover being designed for reading News does
not know anything about HTML or Malicious code...It can only display ASCII
text and is therefore totally bullet proof...of course if you are stupid
enough to run anything attached to a message in a newsgroup you deserve
everything it does to your machine

Anyway, I'm off now to look for Agent (I use web ferret pro In the past I
have used it to find articles that others insist do not exist because they
are not available in also has an excellent NEWS search feature)

All the best.....

John Kelly
Truthfully, I am not an Instant Expert, But I know someone who is going to
have to try a LOT harder
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Anyway, I'm off now to look for Agent (I use web ferret pro In the past I
have used it to find articles that others insist do not exist because they
are not available in also has an excellent NEWS search feature)

Forte Agent is a free download, but for some reason the Forte site is
not loading for me right now. I've never had a problem with Agent,
though. They have an upgrade version for $15, I think, but the Free
Agent program works fine. I think all the pay-version adds is a

Newsgroup readers are as personal a decision as boxers or briefs.
What works for me may not do what you want done.

I do like the quoting feature and the options offered.