I have a form in which the first field in the 'Detail' section asks if a
certain test was performed. If it was, then the rest of the fields on the
form will house the results from that test. If it was not performed, then I
obviously don't want any data in the remaining fields.
Does anyone have any code examples where I can 'grey out' (utilitzing 'On
Lost Focus' Field Property perhaps?) the remaining fields on the form if this
first field has a value of 'No' (and, conversely have the fields NOT be
greyed out if the first field has a value of 'Yes')?
I suppose I could use the Validation Rule in the underlying table, but it
seems a bit clumsy to have to do that for each and every remaining field. I
know Access pretty well, but am a novice in code, so any examples would be
most helpful.
Thank you!
certain test was performed. If it was, then the rest of the fields on the
form will house the results from that test. If it was not performed, then I
obviously don't want any data in the remaining fields.
Does anyone have any code examples where I can 'grey out' (utilitzing 'On
Lost Focus' Field Property perhaps?) the remaining fields on the form if this
first field has a value of 'No' (and, conversely have the fields NOT be
greyed out if the first field has a value of 'Yes')?
I suppose I could use the Validation Rule in the underlying table, but it
seems a bit clumsy to have to do that for each and every remaining field. I
know Access pretty well, but am a novice in code, so any examples would be
most helpful.
Thank you!