Prevent treeview control from reinitialising on master page for page redirects



Hello all,

I'm wondering if someone can help me with an issue.

I have a master page that has a treeview control on it (inside an ascx

Also on the master page I have a content placeholder which contains the
various pages of my application. I wish to have the treeview control
displayed at all times during the application.

ASP.Net 2 is great at maintaining the 'expanded/collapsed' nodes of the
treeview as you click the various nodes on it. The problem is however,
when the application does a response.redirect("../someurl.aspx") the
master page takes this as a new page and resets the treeview control.

Can someone please tell me if there is a way to preserve the expansion
state of the control when they load new pages?

Thanks very much in advance,

Damien Sawyer

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