Dave K.
Is there a way to prevent W2K from creating a "Connect to
the Internet" wizard shortcut when new, non-domain users
login for the first time? I am setting up some PCs that I
want to have show a standard desktop even for new users.
I know I can show my icon set via all users, but how do I
prevent Windows from putting in the extra stuff? I also
want to pre-specify the IE home page, delete the "My
network places" icon and the "my documents" icon. Thanks
for any info.
the Internet" wizard shortcut when new, non-domain users
login for the first time? I am setting up some PCs that I
want to have show a standard desktop even for new users.
I know I can show my icon set via all users, but how do I
prevent Windows from putting in the extra stuff? I also
want to pre-specify the IE home page, delete the "My
network places" icon and the "my documents" icon. Thanks
for any info.