Within the context of your question, there is security for the physical file
itself (i.e. the Access MDB file) and then there is security for the various
objects within the Access MDB file.
- Security for the physical file (the MDB file) is governed by the Operating
System. Are you on a single user machine? Are you on a network? Whether or
not a user can delete the MDB file depends on rights and privileges assigned
by the network systems administrator (i.e. operating system level security).
- Security for the various objects within the Access MDB file (i.e. forms,
reports, queries, tables, records, etc.) is governed by MS Access Security.
Whether or not a user can delete a form, query, tables, etc. depends on
rights and privileges assigned by the database administrator within MS
Access (i.e. application level security)
So to answer your question:
- Setting up security groups within Access is an application level security
function. File deletion is an operating system level security function. So
setting up groups in Access would not prevent/allow users to delete the MDB
file itself.
- File deletion protection would have to be done at the operating system
level. I would need more information on what operating system environment
you are using. A network? Peer to peer? Single user?
Last but not least, there is always the safety net of a good old "backup
program". If you backup nightly, the most you can lose is a day's work.
Routine backups not only protects you against accidental deletion, it also
allows you to revert back from possible data corruption, some of which are