In 2007 only, if you paste 10 lines of text from Notepad into a new
message, the first 9 are indented. (I use HTML format, BTW) Is there
a way to prevent any and all indenting in Outlook, or at least on
I've lost a significant amount of time (Congratulations, Office design
team) fighting this and attempting to chase this down. I diligently
Googled and did the perfunctory waste of time trying Help. But maybe
my Google term choices need improvement. If anyone solves this using
Google, please share the magic terms. (One example that I tried was
{outlook 2007 indent prevent} which was a loser...)
message, the first 9 are indented. (I use HTML format, BTW) Is there
a way to prevent any and all indenting in Outlook, or at least on
I've lost a significant amount of time (Congratulations, Office design
team) fighting this and attempting to chase this down. I diligently
Googled and did the perfunctory waste of time trying Help. But maybe
my Google term choices need improvement. If anyone solves this using
Google, please share the magic terms. (One example that I tried was
{outlook 2007 indent prevent} which was a loser...)