Pretty sure this is Becky's fault...


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Tbh I've been considering a GPU upgrade for a while now, and after Becky posted the review of this beast my mind was pretty much made up.

I'd narrowed it down to this or the EVGA 1070 FTW. But as the latter wasn't out yet and my old card is a 780 FTW, and considering all the Pascal cards are the same apart from the coolers (all voltage locked etc) I figured it was time for a change and the MSI card has been getting really good reviews from all the usual sites....

First impressions;
- Its big, or rather tall. For a second I thought I wasn't going to get the side back on the case due to the power cables. But its fine.
- Its quiet, really quiet. The fans actually stop at idle and at full chat (set manually via MSI AB) its still barely audible.
- No benchmarks or games played yet, going to do that in a mo.

I'm happy, it will serve me well as did the old 780. Speaking of which if anyone's interested in the 780 gimme a shout. :)









Very nice :D - I guess you're going to notice a huge improvement in gaming performance! Next step... Vive ;)
I want one, but for the moment an i7 processor upgrade is on the waiting list.
Wish I was on commission!! :lol:

Glad to hear you took the plunge. Have you had a chance to test it out now?
Yeah a bit here and there, Typically its been a busy weekend so I haven't had much time to sit here and put it too the test. Though I did buy 3DMark from Steam as its on sale for £3. Not that I honestly care for benchmarks, but it did very well in that.

Gaming performance is top notch thought, The BF1 alpha runs sweet as a nut and getting a great frame rate too. Doom demo ran great all maxed out.

I'd like to post some screenies but You have to agree to an NDA when the game starts and there has already been some guys getting their Origin account banned for streaming, upping to YT etc so I ain't going to risk it!

Really tempted to get Doom and RotTR to put this thing thought its paces though. :)
I wondered how long it would be before you splashed out :D

And very nice too.

Get Doom while it's still on offer.
So I got Doom, its good fun, just like the demo, but I can only play it for short bursts, its just too mental lol.

Been playing with overclocks a little too, got it running at +110/+600 fully stable. Which is good as GPU boost 3.0 basically does the overclocking for you so there isn't much headroom left to gain. At 100% load for a while it levels out to 2050mhz on the core, and even with a slight tweak to the fan curve via MSIAB its still silent. Love it. :D

Good explanation of GPU Boost 3.0 here, which is all new to me tbh!
