Preserving link format after updating



I have several linked excel graphs in my document that will be regularly
updated. However, while some of the graphs have the "Preserve formatting
after update" box checked, most do not and the the entire "Options for
Selected Link" area is greyed out on all of my links. I need to know either
(1) how to simply set the preserve function to be on as a default or (2) how
to actually be able to select the boxex myself in Word. Thanks

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?ZmNpc3A=?=,
I have several linked excel graphs in my document that will be regularly
updated. However, while some of the graphs have the "Preserve formatting
after update" box checked, most do not and the the entire "Options for
Selected Link" area is greyed out on all of my links. I need to know either
(1) how to simply set the preserve function to be on as a default or (2) how
to actually be able to select the boxex myself in Word.
Depends on how you're creating the linked objects, which you don't mention. Nor
do you tell us which version of Word you're working with.

Best control would be to insert the object in-line with the text (if you need
text wrapping, insert them into a Frame - see the Forms toolbar). Press Alt+F9
to view the field codes. "Preserve formatting" is the \* MergeFormat switch in
the field code. You can add that where required.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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