Preserve Master?

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I've never been able to understand the purpose of the "Preserve Master" feature of PPT 2002, where it puts that little push-pin next to the master.
Has anyone found a use for this?

I guess I'm just used to my standard title master and slide master.
Because you can have multiple masters in PPT 2002 and 2003, you can end up
in the situation where you have applied a different master to all of the
slides. In this case, your old master is no longer in use and is removed
from the list of masters. If you preserve the master, the unused master will
remain in the presentation file so that you can still easily apply it to new
or existing slides.

Make sense?

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

I've never been able to understand the purpose of the "Preserve Master"
feature of PPT 2002, where it puts that little push-pin next to the master.
Has anyone found a use for this?

I guess I'm just used to my standard title master and slide master.
PPT 2002 and 2003 have multiple masters, a feature not included in previous

If you create a number of masters for a presentation, and you do not happen
to use all of them in the presentation, PPT will delete the unused masters.
Preserve Masters keeps them from being deleted even if they're not being

presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego

I've never been able to understand the purpose of the "Preserve Master"
feature of PPT 2002, where it puts that little push-pin next to the master.
Has anyone found a use for this?

I guess I'm just used to my standard title master and slide master.
Another way of saying the same thing as Echo and Kathy - If you are using multiple masters in a presentation and you delete all the slides of a particular design, the Slide Master (and Title master, if there) will also be deleted UNLESS you click the "Preserve Masters" icon. That way the design is still available to be used in your presentation without having to go find it again!

Bill Foley, Microsoft MVP (PowerPoint)
Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor
Check out PPT FAQs at:
"Success, something you measure when you are through succeeding."

I've never been able to understand the purpose of the "Preserve Master" feature of PPT 2002, where it puts that little push-pin next to the master.
Has anyone found a use for this?

I guess I'm just used to my standard title master and slide master.

That does make sense. Thanks for the warning.
So do you most of you make it a habit to preserve the master as a preventative measure?


Another way of saying the same thing as Echo and Kathy - If you are using multiple masters in a presentation and you delete all the slides of a particular design, the Slide Master (and Title master, if there) will also be deleted UNLESS you click the "Preserve Masters" icon. That way the design is still available to be used in your presentation without having to go find it again!

Bill Foley, Microsoft MVP (PowerPoint)
Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor
Check out PPT FAQs at:
"Success, something you measure when you are through succeeding."

I've never been able to understand the purpose of the "Preserve Master" feature of PPT 2002, where it puts that little push-pin next to the master.
Has anyone found a use for this?

I guess I'm just used to my standard title master and slide master.
So do you most of
you make it a habit to preserve the master as a preventative measure?

Hadn't thought of it much, but now that you mention it, I wonder if we need a
campaign to make Preserve Master the default behavior and add a feature to delete
unused masters instead. The defaults should ALWAYS be to make it harder for the
user to ruin the presentation, not easier. ;-)

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA
I guess it really doesn't matter to me because all I need to do is to go
into the Slide Design Taskpane and select it again, but still a good idea to
make it the default.

Bill Foley, Microsoft MVP (PowerPoint)
Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor
Check out PPT FAQs at:
"Success, something you measure when you are through succeeding."