presentations of how to fully use frontpage



i think presentations of how to use microsoft programs would be usefull. i
also think that there maybe should be another program called microsoft
buisness or to do with buisness because info path doesnt fill alll the needs
of buisnesses on the new program you could have diffrent options for
diffrent buisnesses i also need help with access how do i realate tables and
create succsesfull switch bards

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Arvin Meyer [MVP]

i also need help with access how do i realate tables and
create succsesfull switch bards

To set relationships for tables, click on the Tools menu item, then choose
Relationships. Using the toolbar or the menu bar, add the tables you want
and drag the Primary Key to the Foreign Key.

For Switchboards, there is a wizard. Choose Tools ... Database Utilities ...
Switchboard Manager and follow the wizard prompts.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads

Douglas J. Steele

Arvin Meyer said:

To set relationships for tables, click on the Tools menu item, then choose
Relationships. Using the toolbar or the menu bar, add the tables you want
and drag the Primary Key to the Foreign Key.

For Switchboards, there is a wizard. Choose Tools ... Database Utilities
Switchboard Manager and follow the wizard prompts.

As well, Jeff Conrad has lots of information about Switchboards at

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