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I'm tring to take care of PresentationBeforeSave event but I have problems.
I use this code:

Dim fd = File Dialog
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
fd.InitialFIleName = "abc.ppt"
dlgAnswer = fd.Show
If dlgAnswer = -1 Then
Pres.Saved = msoCTrue
End If

My problems:
1. even I save presentation throw my fileDialog, the presenataion is not saved
2. even I set Pres.Saved, PPT shows save dialog again

Can you help me, please

Karol Nekanovic
Thank you for answer. It solves my second problem.
But I have still problem with my first issue. Simply, the dialog doesn't
save the presentation even I click SAVE.
Do you know what can be the problem?

You mean the SaveAs dialog box that you initiated in the handler? That one
just shows the dialog box and returns you the file name. You need to save
the file yourself using the Save(), SaveAs() or SaveCopyAs() methods.

- Chirag

PowerShow - View multiple PowerPoint slide shows simultaneously
Thank you for answer. It solves my second problem.
But I have still problem with my first issue. Simply, the dialog doesn't
save the presentation even I click SAVE.
Do you know what can be the problem?

As I understand it, FileDialog simply shows a file dialog and hands you back the
filename the user chose.

It's up to you to do something with it.
When I want to save it with saveAs method there is error message.
I can't to find how to solve it. Can you send me short example how to save
the presentation in presentrationBeforeSave with using the fileDialog.

Thank you in advance.

When I want to save it with saveAs method there is error message.
I can't to find how to solve it. Can you send me short example how to save
the presentation in presentrationBeforeSave with using the fileDialog.

I don't use the file dialog, so I don't have any examples handy.

And I'm afraid we won't be able to help much w/o better information from you ... if
there's an error message, tell us what it says.