A Newbie question perhaps, but here goes:
Is it possible to seaprate the presentatieon layer, i.e., the html, from the
application itself.
For example, our developer has told us that we cannot do immeidate changes
to user interface becasue the presentaion layer is bound up with the rest of
the dll and to eextract that out of the app, would take ages. and so any
changes would be incorproated into the next buiild compilation.
I would like our designers and html template builders to be anble to work on
the live site with out interfering wiht the application and without having
to wait for a weekly Build cycle.
Any thoughts?
Is it possible to seaprate the presentatieon layer, i.e., the html, from the
application itself.
For example, our developer has told us that we cannot do immeidate changes
to user interface becasue the presentaion layer is bound up with the rest of
the dll and to eextract that out of the app, would take ages. and so any
changes would be incorproated into the next buiild compilation.
I would like our designers and html template builders to be anble to work on
the live site with out interfering wiht the application and without having
to wait for a weekly Build cycle.
Any thoughts?