Heat Problem with the Prescott
Just went to a Prescott 3.0E Ghz
Just running windows is 55C / 131F
In Doom3 temp rose to 78C / 172F, Useing the stock fan that came with the
processor. (Retail)
The stock cpu fan from intel isn't cutt'n it, wtf
So if some one has and suggestions of what type of 3rb party fan would be
good for this processor let me know here in this thread.
Just went to a Prescott 3.0E Ghz
Just running windows is 55C / 131F
In Doom3 temp rose to 78C / 172F, Useing the stock fan that came with the
processor. (Retail)
The stock cpu fan from intel isn't cutt'n it, wtf
So if some one has and suggestions of what type of 3rb party fan would be
good for this processor let me know here in this thread.