Preparing of Phone Directory

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Hi everybody,
Could you please help me the "arrnagement of phone guide" asap? Have you got
a ready phone directory sample? I'm using Office 2003. I'm waiting your good
news. Regards,
Create a new workbook, consisting of 2 worksheets.
In Sheet2, create a list of contact names with tel numbers.
You could use Col A for names, Col B for Tel numbers, Col C for Cell
numbers, and maybe Col D for Fax numbers. You can extend this to also
include email addresses, postal and residential addresses, depending on your
needs. Name this tabe Details.

In sheet1, say in Col A6, enter "Contact Name"
In A7, enter "Tel Number"
In A8, enter "Cell Number"
In A9, enter "Fax Number", and so on

In B7, enter =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A6,Details,1,FALSE)),"No Records
In B8 enter
In B8 enter
Arrangement of phone directory (telephone directory)
Phone, 'lastname, firstname', address, zipst, zip, ...

For a department list
Phone, 'lastname, firstname', title, department, ...

You sort on the name and have equal access to the left
of the phone number and to the address on the right.

You probably want to combine the lastname and firstname
using concatenation =PROPER(TRIM(C2) & ", " & TRIM(B2))
into a cell to save space hoping that someone with a long
lastname has short first name(s). You can convert the formula
to text using Copy, Paste Special, values, and eliminate
the two original name columns. Don't use the PROPER function
if your data already has the correct capitalization.

If you get the information from mainframe or a database it
may all be in capitals, in which case you might want to correct
the data by customizing a subroutine from
Customizing because names such as "McRitchie" and "de Bruin"
do not exactly fit converting exactly as proper names. You will
have to manually fix exceptions that you don't code for if you
have some that want "MacKey" and other want "Mackey" which
would not be the same name.

If you have the data in your contacts list, or your address book
(.WAB) for your email, then you can export it and choose what
columns you want to include when exporting to a CSV (comma
separated values) file. You can move the columns around by
dragging them
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP -- Excel
My Excel Pages:
