Prempt Disable Macros option

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fiona
  • Start date Start date


I don't want to remove the virus protection by not giving people the
option to open a workbook with macros disabled but is it possible to
refuse to open a workbook if macros are disabled ?

I hope that makes sense :o)

If you mean that when they get the messagebox in which they van make the
choice to Diable or Enable macro's at the opening of the file, they can
refuse to open the file by clicking the X at the right top of the

Once they 've selected either Disable or Enable, the file is loaded without
further interruption.

Is this the answer you were after ?

Auk Ales

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If I'm reading this correctly, you have a workbook that needs macros enabled
in order to be functional.

If the user disables macros, you don't want the workbook to open.

Am I close?

See this google search thread for methods.

Dave Peterson has a couple of suggestions.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP