What does the directory structure of your project look like? In
where are stdafx.h and the file containing the #include in relation to one
All my source files are not in the same folder. I have made extra folders to
contain source and headers. For example, there is a folder called Publish,
which contains headers and sources of publishing functionality. When I added
these files to my project as new items, they had there first line as
"#include "stdafx.h"". That was the time when my project settings had pch
enabled. Than at some point I changed project settings to not using pch,
after which when I compiled the project I started getting these errors that
there was no stdafx.h. But I knew that stdafx.h is at the root of the source
tree, so I just changed it to "#include "../stdafx.h"" and it compiled fine,
which also got me thinking why was it (lets say blockpublishing.cpp)
compiling before when it had no stdafx.h on its path. (my lack of cpp
I have other problems as well, related to header files includes. Like I have
a common.h file that has some utility functions and some global variables
that I intend to use at more than one place. Now I include common.h at one
file, lets say one.h and use its functions which works ok, and than at some
other place,lets say two.h, I include the common.h and compiler starts
giving me errors, while linking the source, saying that
"something__proc___here" is already defined in "something.obj". However if I
dont include common.h in two.h, the two.h has no idea of the things (global
functions and variables) that I write, which I assume will me visible to
two.h that are inside the common.h. Now the next thing I'm planning to do is
inlcude my common.h in stdafx.h and see what happens. Also will play with
#pragma once stuff which looks insteresting and I hope its not microsoft
The purpose I wrote this second para above is:
Having a C# background, I think I really need to read some really good and
detailed article on the problems that a dev can face while working on c++
projects having to do with #include. It would be great if you or anyone else
has some web links on this, or maybe discuss here.