I am trying to structure a worksheet, call it Book1, that has a number of rows which contain mostly numerical data. Copies of Book1 are distributed to a number of personnel, let's say 10. Each person enters their specific numerical data in the appropriate cells and adds rows that depend upon how much data that individual has. As a result, the 10 copies of Book1 all have the same column structure but each may have more or less rows than another individual's file
I would then like to send each individual another worksheet with the same column format but with only 1 row of formulation data. This row would be designed to be pasted into the individual Book1 worksheets in the NEXT AVAILABLE blank row in their Book1 worksheet. What I want to happen then is for this added row to gather the numerical data from the PRECEEDING row, without knowing the row number of the preceeding row
For example, Book1 worksheet has X number of rows with cell X,5 containing the number 1000. When the Book2 row1 is pasted into Book1 worksheet in the next available row, X+1, this row would contain a cell, rowX+1,cell5, that would contain a formula to look at the PRECEEDING cell, rowX,cell5, and multiply the number there (1000) by 2 and insert the product in cell X+1,5. What, if possible, would this formula be? The formula in words would be: "insert the product of the number in the preceeding cell and 2". Any help would be appreciated
I would then like to send each individual another worksheet with the same column format but with only 1 row of formulation data. This row would be designed to be pasted into the individual Book1 worksheets in the NEXT AVAILABLE blank row in their Book1 worksheet. What I want to happen then is for this added row to gather the numerical data from the PRECEEDING row, without knowing the row number of the preceeding row
For example, Book1 worksheet has X number of rows with cell X,5 containing the number 1000. When the Book2 row1 is pasted into Book1 worksheet in the next available row, X+1, this row would contain a cell, rowX+1,cell5, that would contain a formula to look at the PRECEEDING cell, rowX,cell5, and multiply the number there (1000) by 2 and insert the product in cell X+1,5. What, if possible, would this formula be? The formula in words would be: "insert the product of the number in the preceeding cell and 2". Any help would be appreciated