Windows Vista Pre Orders for Vista taken now


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Details here.

So, released 31st January and it looks as though the top of the range version will cost £135.11 at Overclockers UK.

Will it be worth it?

Will there be restrictions in burning backup CD's and DVD's?

Is IE7 still a pile of cack?

How long before the first service pack is issued?

Is there any real advantage in upgrading from XP Pro?

Will the inclusion of Media Centre features give all the same usage as Media Centre 2005? Including being able to use a remote control?

Will Vista, being a 64 bit OS, benefit my current Conroe 6600 setup? (see sig)

Questions, questions, flooding the mind of the concerned computer geek today - what to do, what to do?

Or should I just stick with XP Pro and Suse 10.2? :D
I'm sticking with XP until my next upgrade I think, for the first time I'm quite content with my PC the way it is :D I don't fancy waiting for new drivers and fully working software for the first year or two, but I know as soon as I switch I'll love the new look ;)

Vista will run amazingly well on that system I am sure Flops, certainly great eye candy. What may prompt me to jump ship earlier is if some new Vista only DX10 game comes out, although apparently DX9.L for Windows XP will mean that is unlikely to happen.

Plus it would cost too much to upgrade all the PCs here, so as they all have XP at the moment I'll probably stick with it for a year longer and then just switch my own PC over if it will benefit from it.
I'm buying a copy of XP media centre (£71.10) , and i will get an upgrade voucher for vista premium for FREE :)
I'm getting it for £11-13 i think it was, due to buying a HP notebook in November, HP contacted me to tell me i get Vista Business Ed for the price of shipping.
floppybootstomp said:
Details here.

So, released 31st January and it looks as though the top of the range version will cost £135.11 at Overclockers UK.

Will it be worth it?
Depends on if you "need" an OS for a system. It's not like the "game price" will drop anytime soon. ;)

Will there be restrictions in burning backup CD's and DVD's?
DRM is built-in to the system. However, depending on your hardware whether it will be inforced or not.

Is IE7 still a pile of cack?
In my opinion, yup.

How long before the first service pack is issued?
You will need "updates" as soon as it is installed. As for a "service pack" expect at least four to fix DRM not working out of the box.

Is there any real advantage in upgrading from XP Pro?
Nope! There are no technical advances to "upgrade" to Vista ... they were all dropped.

Will the inclusion of Media Centre features give all the same usage as Media Centre 2005? Including being able to use a remote control?
Yes, No ... see DRM

Will Vista, being a 64 bit OS, benefit my current Conroe 6600 setup? (see sig)
Yes ... however, how much of your "Software" needs 32bit to run ... games. ;)

Questions, questions, flooding the mind of the concerned computer geek today - what to do, what to do?
Simply wait ... at least 3 months, maybe less, maybe more.

Or should I just stick with XP Pro and Suse 10.2? :D
Are you having any "problems" with either OS ?

oh, and I will be buying Vista as soon as me pennies permit.

I'm buying a Laptop with XP_Pro on & get a voucher for Vista Business, but dont know if i want it? Heard so much about Vista, may wait to see what happens when it gets released, if any gremlins in it. How long before the 1st service pack comes out????
christopherpostill said:
Is there any disadvantage to getting a version of XP with a vista upgrade voucher?
Yes ... read the small print, make sure the "upgrade" is the "version" of Vista you want.

If you end up with Vista basic, don't blame MS. ;)
feckit said:
I'm buying a Laptop with XP_Pro on & get a voucher for Vista Business, but dont know if i want it? Heard so much about Vista, may wait to see what happens when it gets released, if any gremlins in it. How long before the 1st service pack comes out????
How long is a piece of string? ... of course there will be "gremlins" in the OS, they are traditionally called Bugs.

This is just another history lesson folks ... not that hard to find the information. ;)
muckshifter said:
Yes ... read the small print, make sure the "upgrade" is the "version" of Vista you want.

If you end up with Vista basic, don't blame MS. ;)

The version i will end up with is Vista Premium - which i assume is OK