Practical Jokes...........

Mar 5, 2004
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I am currently engaged in a practical joke war with a guy at work. He is middle aged and from new york and as i finish work on friday i want to make sure ive won by the end of the week.

The events so far..........

It started off with me changing his home page and background to George Bush, who he HATES!! I then fired the occasional elastic band in his direction. He then raised the bar by smearing my telephone ear piece, mouse and keyboard with Hanenero (REALLY hot chilli) Oil. Luckily i found it before i got it all over myself. I then went to the old, but good, trick of loosening the cable to the phone handset so that when he answers the phone the cable flys out and he is left with just the handset in his hand, but the person doesnt get disconnected!! Haha, thats a funny one, you should try it!! Oh, and last but not least, i swapped the "E" and the "R" keys around on his keyboard. That was a good one, he was very confused and going to call IT. He then thought he would be clever and go to the character map in control panel etc, he didnt realise i had just plucked the keys off and switched them, hehe.

OK, so just wondered if any of you had any good office practical jokes for me?!


a good one if you want to wind up two people that site next to each other.

Swop the monitor/mouse/keyboard cables between the desktops!
You lot are naughty ...

... but nice

Go get a couple of the "joke" viruses ... I posted one here some time aggo. ;)
Cling-film on the toilet> under the seat>

just before he enters but you need two to do that, one lookout and you know the rest:eek: :lol:
Originally posted by itsme

Cling-film on the toilet> under the seat>

You what !!! i would hate to be on the wrong side of you
Cling-film on the toilet> under the seat>

just before he enters but you need two to do that, one lookout and you know the rest:eek:

PS be polite take him out to dinner the night before, A nice hot vindaloo!!!!!!!!!
don`t forget to run out of the buiding when he enters the toilet:lol: :lol: :lol:
get the keys to his car and park it at the other end of the car park

that one happened to me alot @ college after chris imrie memorised my 4 digit immobiliser code