Am I able to configure PPTP to use a dedicated network card and IP Address.
at the moment, I know that PPTP scans all IP addresses on a NIC but can we
restrict it to a single ip address on that specific card? Keep in mind the
NIC has multiple public IP addresses configured on it and I need PPTP to only
listen on 1 IP in that NIC and not all...... Is this possible, If so, How do
I go about configuring it to do so?
at the moment, I know that PPTP scans all IP addresses on a NIC but can we
restrict it to a single ip address on that specific card? Keep in mind the
NIC has multiple public IP addresses configured on it and I need PPTP to only
listen on 1 IP in that NIC and not all...... Is this possible, If so, How do
I go about configuring it to do so?