Hey people,
Somebody could help me with links to the websites which can learn me a
bit of art of making power point presentation?
I am using MS2007- business edition, that is my daily tool at work, at
I have never done some study or course in website desgin, which i
guess would be helpfull in order to make my power point presentation
looking great
how can i learn the small things ,connected with improvement the
I can see that MS 2007 has a lot of functions which can help tp get
more proffesional look, but still i need some inspration and advice
Counting on you
Somebody could help me with links to the websites which can learn me a
bit of art of making power point presentation?
I am using MS2007- business edition, that is my daily tool at work, at
I have never done some study or course in website desgin, which i
guess would be helpfull in order to make my power point presentation
looking great
how can i learn the small things ,connected with improvement the
I can see that MS 2007 has a lot of functions which can help tp get
more proffesional look, but still i need some inspration and advice
Counting on you