I am trying to design my first PPT with sound, and am looking for examples of
that to download. I want to have something where on every new page, the audio
immeditely starts, and THEN the text that was just read pops up; This is so
that the people reading won't be distracted by the text and will listen and
look at the image on that page.
The reason that I want some samples is to see how people have done this
before, look-wise.
Thanks for your help!!
that to download. I want to have something where on every new page, the audio
immeditely starts, and THEN the text that was just read pops up; This is so
that the people reading won't be distracted by the text and will listen and
look at the image on that page.
The reason that I want some samples is to see how people have done this
before, look-wise.
Thanks for your help!!