PPT Viewer 2003 problem with diagrams animated by level



When I run my presentation in ppt 2003 I can custom anitmate a diagram by level. The various levels are grouped on the custom animation screen. I packed to CD and the ppt viewer 2003 presentation does not recognize these animations. Is there a workaround? I cannot seem to get ppt 2003 to animated each level of the diagram without grouping.


Oh, sorry, you asked about workarounds, too.

I would do the following:

1. Cut (Ctrl+X) the diagram
2. Edit/Paste Special. Choose WMF
3. Draw/Ungroup twice
4. Select the appropriate parts and regroup
5. Animate the individual groups

That may be what you're already doing, though? If so, you've already hit the best workaround I'm aware of.

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