PPT View and AVI movies.



Hi Folks

I'm using PPT2003 to build a training CD which has some AVI movies inserted as objects. When I Package For CD and run the show with the PPT Viewer 2003 everything works well until I click on a movie. It appears that the Viewer doesn't support linked, or embeded objects

I've tried using the Insert Movie File function. My problem is that it won't automatically return control to the parent slide when the movie finishes. I'm running in kiosk mode and controlling the show navigation with action buttons on each slide.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated


Austin Myers


Can you tell me what sort of video (and codec) used?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

NeilB said:
Hi Folks,

I'm using PPT2003 to build a training CD which has some AVI movies
inserted as objects. When I Package For CD and run the show with the PPT
Viewer 2003 everything works well until I click on a movie. It appears that
the Viewer doesn't support linked, or embeded objects.
I've tried using the Insert Movie File function. My problem is that it
won't automatically return control to the parent slide when the movie
finishes. I'm running in kiosk mode and controlling the show navigation
with action buttons on each slide.

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