I have 2 very large power point presentations that keep on locking up my
computer when I try to make changes to them. One is 300 slides (12 MB) and
the other is 600 slides (24 MB). They both contain animation and lot sof
color(no sound). Primarily, things lock up when I do an insert function of
one slide in one of the presentations to the other. Is anyone else
experiencing this? I have uninstalled and reinstalled powerpoint already and
it still does the same thing.
computer when I try to make changes to them. One is 300 slides (12 MB) and
the other is 600 slides (24 MB). They both contain animation and lot sof
color(no sound). Primarily, things lock up when I do an insert function of
one slide in one of the presentations to the other. Is anyone else
experiencing this? I have uninstalled and reinstalled powerpoint already and
it still does the same thing.