ppt jump to next slide while using notes

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I thought if anyone on the intranet would know this answer you might. I am
using ppt in the outline view with the notes on the bottom. I want to use a
keyboard shortcut to advance to the next slide so I don't have to constantly
go back and forth from typing notes on the bottom of the page to clicking the
next slide button. Any ideas?
Speedymarathon said:
I thought if anyone on the intranet would know this answer you might. I am
using ppt in the outline view with the notes on the bottom. I want to use a
keyboard shortcut to advance to the next slide so I don't have to constantly
go back and forth from typing notes on the bottom of the page to clicking the
next slide button. Any ideas?

Unless somebody comes up with a better way (sure hope so), you can do this:

Press F6 to shift the focus from Notes to Outline/Slides pane, press downarrow
to move to next slide, then Shift+F6 to go back to notes pane.
You would need to use "Shortcuts for PowerPoint" add-in from
http://officeone.mvps.org/ppshortcuts/ppshortcuts.html and do the following
after installing it:
1. Select "Tools" | "Customize Shortcuts..." menu item.
2. Locate and select "Shortcuts for PowerPoint" category.
3. Locate and select "Next slide on all open presentations".
4. Press the desired key combination in "Assigned shortcut to command" box.
5. Locate and select "Previous slide on all open presentations".
6. Press the desired key combination in "Assigned shortcut to command" box.
7. Click OK button.

These will work when in design view in any window pane. Also, note that when
you press the key combinations that you assigned, all open presentations
navigate their design views as these shortcuts were provided for easier
compare of side-by-side presentations.

- Chirag

PowerShow - View multiple PowerPoint slide shows simultaneously