Dale Fye
I've got a co-worker that is trying to put together a briefing which contains
an itinery. He has a textbox on his slide, and after he entered 0900 (9 AM)
on the left margin, PPT decided that it should change that value to 900 and
turn on autonumbering, and make the next line 901.
We tried turning off the auto line numbering, both with the cursor inside
the textbox, and outside the textbox, but that did not work. I looked in the
PPT Options, but did not see anything that jumped out at me regarding this.
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an itinery. He has a textbox on his slide, and after he entered 0900 (9 AM)
on the left margin, PPT decided that it should change that value to 900 and
turn on autonumbering, and make the next line 901.
We tried turning off the auto line numbering, both with the cursor inside
the textbox, and outside the textbox, but that did not work. I looked in the
PPT Options, but did not see anything that jumped out at me regarding this.
email address is invalid
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